3-Leaf Revolving Air Lock
Revolving air lock doors are typically the primary egress for pedestrian traffic into and out of the dome. These are designed to handle the pressure differential between the exterior and the interior of the dome. Theses doors are made from high-grade, anti-corrosive aluminum.
Typical Dimensions: 96"(W) x 84"(L) x 83"(T)
ADA-Compliant Personnel Air Lock
Personnel air lock (PAL) doors allow for wheelchairs and small cargo to pass into the dome, while maintaining the air seal.. Most often these doors are included in a tandem combination unit with the revolving door, since IBC (2018) 1010.1.4.1 requires every revolving door to have a swinging door within 10 feet of it on the same wall.
Typical Dimensions: 70"(W) x 84"(L) x 83"(T)
Emergency Exit Doors for Domes
SINGLE EXIT: 53.5" x 96".
- 42" clear-width opening. Exit sign and lights included.
DOUBLE EXIT: 104" x 96".
- 84" clear-width opening. Exit sign and lights included.
Panic hardware, exit light and emergency lights are included.
How Many Exit Doors Do You Need?
The amount of exit doors you need is primarily a function of your occupancy. IBC (2021) 1005.3.2 states, "The capacity, in inches, of means of egress components other than stairways shall be calculated by multiplying the occupant load served by such component by a means of egress capacity factor of 0.2 inch (5.1 mm) per occupant." Thus, your occupancy is multiplied by 0.2 inches, and this number helps the architect determine how many exit doors are required by code (our exit doors have a clear width opening of 43"). IFC (2021) 3103.12.2 provides a table of the minimum emergency exit opening widths. Below an occupancy of 200, single exit doors work. At 200 or above, double exit doors must be used. Note that your local AHJ may have requirements different from codes, as they have the final say on matters related to fire codes and life safety codes.

Vehicle/Cargo Air Lock Doors
Large air lock doors allow you to move cargo and/or vehicles into and out of the dome. This accommodates fork lifts or other vehicles. These air lock doors consist of two rolling garage doors on either end of a tunnel. The doors can be anywhere from 8' wide/tall to 40' wide/tall, and the tunnel can be made as long as you need it.

Additional Drawings and Videos of Doors

Dome Components

Our domes are comprised of various mechanical elements. Click on the following links to learn more about what pieces make up our domes: